Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Air—" Jeannette and Jeannot.'' From "Jack Morgan Soxgster."
You are going- to leave me, darling-,
Your country's foes to fight. And though I grieve, I murmur not,
I know we're in the right. Here's your father's sword and rifle,
Emulate him in the fight; Let no coward stain be on your name,
That always has shone bright.
Then farewell, my loved one,
May a widow'd mother's prayer, Still shield thy head in battle,
And God keep thee in His care ; Then use your sword and rifle well,
Ne'er falter in the strife— You fight for home and freedom,
For honor and for life.
And when the " Stars and Bars "
Float in triumph o'er each band That has driven the invaders back,
Who dared pollute our land, Then come back to me Avith honor,
And a mother's hand shall place The laurel wreath your country gives
Each victor's brow to grace.